ASTROCAM - A 1024x1024 Aladdin array 1-5.5 micron camera ASTROCAM - A 1024x1024 Aladdin array 1-5.5 micron camerabuilt for the Naval Observatory and NRL. ASTROCAM is specifically designed for Astrometry, the accurate measurement of star positions. It will be used on the 1.5 meter Naval Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona. It utilizes a 1:1 Offner relay, has two large filter wheels and a pupil imager. Cooling is provided by a CTI 1050 closed cycle cooler. MKIR designedand built the instrument and array controller. Drawing of ASTROCAM Pictures of ASTROCAM Picture of Filter Wheel assembly. Close up of filters. ASTROCAM on the Naval Observatory 1.55 Meter Astrometric Telescope In Flagstaff. Seen are the cryostat on the left behind the cryostat electronics and the Electronics rack on the right holding the array power supplies, temperature controller and the terminal server. The VME based control computer is connected remote via fiber. Top of cryostat showing input light baffle and detector mount. Inlet Baffle and detector mount(behind). Pictures Taken with ASTROCAM NGC 253 three wavelength false color image. In this image of the galaxy NGC253 three seperate exposures were taken at roughly 1, 1.5 and 2.2 microns and then color coded and combined to produce this image. Produced by Arne Henden. Star formation area W3 in three colors at J, K and L'. Mandatory Soldering Iron Image at K(2.2 microns). One of the first images out of every new infrared array or camera has to be a soldering iron. This image was taken at 2.2 microns. At these wavelengths everything looks pretty normal except for the glowing tip of the iron which is not seen to glow when viewed with the eyes. MKIR Owner Doug Toomey at K. Picture of Doug Toomey taken at 2.2 microns. No his hair is not white yet. At these wavelengths hair is very reflective and skin very absorbtive. The Y shaped line over the right eye is a crack in this engineering array. U.S.Naval Observatory Astronomer Arne Henden Three wavelength false color image at J H and K. |